Sunday, February 5, 2012

I Bleed BLUE!

I LOVE the NY Giants. Always have, Always will. I call them my Home-Home team because I was born and raised in NJ where I learned from my older brother that we are Giants fans! I LOVE the NY Rangers. Always have, Always will. I learned that from my older brother too! I also believe in supporting your home team which is why I LOVE the Indianapolis Colts! Always will! I did NOT learn that from my brother! Maybe I just love the Manning Brothers! I once said that I hated Sundays and he replied with, "I would hate Sundays too if I was a Colts Fan!" Haha! They are my Home team! Luckily for me they only play each other once in a BLUE moon! I Love Blue!

So, way to go to my Home-Home team, the NY GIANTS, for winning the 2012 Super Bowl and bringing home the my Indianapolis Colts Stadium!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

No Excuses-First Day

My nose won't quit running. My throat is raw. Tomorrow I imagine I will have a cough to go with it. No Excuses. I rode my hour today. I did it in 4 15 minute increments. I am okay with this. I know that once time goes forward, I will be able to do more at a time.

Cha-Ching...for someone!

With a little bit of resistance from the hubby, it's back in the house. The Deal: I pay him $1 for every day that I don't ride it for an hour. On the other hand, he pays me $1 for every day that I do!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I'm here!

I haven't fallen off the earth. I am still here. Still plugging along. I slacked off some over the holidays but I am back on track. I am determined.