Sunday, February 5, 2012

I Bleed BLUE!

I LOVE the NY Giants. Always have, Always will. I call them my Home-Home team because I was born and raised in NJ where I learned from my older brother that we are Giants fans! I LOVE the NY Rangers. Always have, Always will. I learned that from my older brother too! I also believe in supporting your home team which is why I LOVE the Indianapolis Colts! Always will! I did NOT learn that from my brother! Maybe I just love the Manning Brothers! I once said that I hated Sundays and he replied with, "I would hate Sundays too if I was a Colts Fan!" Haha! They are my Home team! Luckily for me they only play each other once in a BLUE moon! I Love Blue!

So, way to go to my Home-Home team, the NY GIANTS, for winning the 2012 Super Bowl and bringing home the my Indianapolis Colts Stadium!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

No Excuses-First Day

My nose won't quit running. My throat is raw. Tomorrow I imagine I will have a cough to go with it. No Excuses. I rode my hour today. I did it in 4 15 minute increments. I am okay with this. I know that once time goes forward, I will be able to do more at a time.

Cha-Ching...for someone!

With a little bit of resistance from the hubby, it's back in the house. The Deal: I pay him $1 for every day that I don't ride it for an hour. On the other hand, he pays me $1 for every day that I do!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I'm here!

I haven't fallen off the earth. I am still here. Still plugging along. I slacked off some over the holidays but I am back on track. I am determined.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

New Old Clothes

I am wearing a pair of jeans that hasn't buttoned in a very long while and a shirt that was too tight for a very long while. Determination is paying off and good things are happening!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

15 lbs

The Biggest Loser was on tonight and the people lost amazing amounts this week. 10-15 lbs each! How excellent for them! We were watching and here's how the quick conversation went:

Me: I would kill someone to lose 15 lbs in one week.
Hubby: I don't think God would like that.
Me: Yeah, you're probably right.

What is weird is that my hubby doesn't talk about God. He doesn't go to Church with us. I'll be honest when I say that I'm not even sure he believes in God. I always say to our daughter, what would Jesus think of that? Would Jesus like you doing that? Maybe we are rubbing off on him! Or maybe he was making fun of me. Either way, God came out of his mouth!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Trying again. Weigh in tomorrow. I want to say this is finally it. I hate to kid myself though! Two weekends ago was my family reunion. It was fantastic! 7 days ago, the pictures started appearing on Facebook! NOT Fantastic! LOL 7 days ago, I saw one of the worst pictures of myself EVER and I was mortified. TRULY MORTIFIED. It's me. HowWHY did I let this happen to me? Why have I chosen to be on constant diets for the last 11 years. Yes, 11 YEARS. That is A LONG TIME to be trying failing to lose weight! UN-BE-LIEVABLE! So, it's been 7 days. My goal for today is to make it 8 days. Photobucket is not working for me right now. I will share the picture at a later time.